Piękna pogoda w Anglii. Niestety nie często mamy tu słoneczne dni, bez deszczu, mżawki, dżdżu czy innej formy opadowej. Postanowiliśmy skorzystać z okazji i odpocząć nad morzem. Korzyść podwójna- mała grzebie w piasku, my odpoczywamy, relaksujemy się i słuchamy szumu fal- i mamy święty spokój. Spakowani, zwarci i gotowi. Jedziemy i jedziemy i rozmawiamy tylko o tym, jak bardzo uwielbiamy ten widok. A na koniec uppps.
Aż po horyzont, gdzie okiem sięgnąć- błoto....Ani odrobiny lazuru czy błękitu, za to błotnista maź i resztki glonów.....Otoczenie piękne, ale morze schowali:)
Ale najpierw nowe kolczyki, potem zdjęcia made by Mąż.
A beautiful weather in UK. We don't have sunny days to often here, without shower, rain or other form of water falling down from a sky. We have decided to take an adventage and rest at the sea side. Triple advantage - my daughter could tamper with a sand, we could rested, relaxed and listened to a sound of waves and we could have a piece of mind. We were ready. We were driving and talking only about how we love this view. And at the end.. upsss
Up to a horizon - only mud. No blue waves - instead of this there were only mud and the algae... Who hid this bloody sea? :)
But new earrings first. Photo made by Husband - later.
Aż po horyzont, gdzie okiem sięgnąć- błoto....Ani odrobiny lazuru czy błękitu, za to błotnista maź i resztki glonów.....Otoczenie piękne, ale morze schowali:)
Ale najpierw nowe kolczyki, potem zdjęcia made by Mąż.
A beautiful weather in UK. We don't have sunny days to often here, without shower, rain or other form of water falling down from a sky. We have decided to take an adventage and rest at the sea side. Triple advantage - my daughter could tamper with a sand, we could rested, relaxed and listened to a sound of waves and we could have a piece of mind. We were ready. We were driving and talking only about how we love this view. And at the end.. upsss
Up to a horizon - only mud. No blue waves - instead of this there were only mud and the algae... Who hid this bloody sea? :)
But new earrings first. Photo made by Husband - later.
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